Welcome to my New Blog
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A new blog!

Hey Momma's!

I love to blog. I love to write, I love to share my tips and finds but for the last year, I found it was really tough for me to make time to stay up to date with my previous blog because I was being mom, building my photography business, working full time and to be honest.... Spread too thin to focus on a piece of me- which is my blog. I recently came to the conclusion that I am not SUPER WOMAN. I can't do it all. And that is ok! I started to let things go that were no longer a priority and I started to "condense" my life and make certain things my priority.

I love to blog, Its something I enjoy very much If I can make time for it. Instead of separating so many parts of who I am into so many different pieces of a blog, I decided- I am going to create one singular blog where it's all about my life as it is currently.

I'm just your regular mom, I'm just like you all. Here you'll find a community of like minded mommas sharing our every day joys, tips and finds and struggles.

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